severity is chosen all destination related log entries will be delivered to the specified e-mail address(es). If Warning
level is chosen, messages with Info level won't be send to the e-mail address(es).Protocol: Select the protocol type. The following types are supported: SFTP, FTP, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS, Local or E-mail. The other specifications on this tab depend on the selected protocol.
FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS: Common settings
or 2
FTP, FTPS: Specific setting
In addition to the above properties also the following can be specified:
SFTP, SCPS: specific setting
File transfer protocols based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol can use two types of user authentication, therefore the following can be specified in addition to the above properties:
Authentication method list-box: Two types of user authentication can be used in SSH - by a password or by a public-private key pair that is commonly referred to as identity. The following methods are available:
password |
User will be authenticated by Login and Password |
default identity |
Authentication is based on a public-private key pair; the path to the default identity file and optional password that protects it is specified in the Moving Weather software; in the configuration of the Global Parameters. |
Subject: Enter the text that should appear in the Subject: of the e-mails. he e-mail subject can contain common specifiers (mostly date and time elements) known from the file name creation and the specifiers that refer to the file name itself (typically %FN
This option is only available for administration portal users that have the privilege "Permission to manage local destinations". Only users with such privilege can create and modify destinations with local transport protocol, i.e. this option will be listed only for user that have this privilege. Other users can see such destinations but are not allowed to create or modify them.
.File assembling tab:
File relay tab:
Products which are distributed as files can be renamed before being delivered. The renaming can use regular expressions or wild cards.
) and date/time format identifiers (indicated by %). More details on RegEx formatting strings can be found in; more information on date/time format identifiers can be found in section Common specifiers in File name formats.File Packing tab:
File pack format list-box: Select the format for the packed file. The following options are available:
gz (gzip compressed file) |
bz2 (bzip2 compressed file) |
tar (uncompressed TAR ball) |
tar.gz (gzip compressed TAR ball) |
tar.bz2 (bzip2 compressed TAR ball) |
zip (zip compressed file pack) |
Advanced tab:
File permissions section:
Check the Change file permissions after upload check-box to enable setting up special file permissions for the uploaded files. Then use the individual check-boxes to set the permissions:
Output directory cleanup section
Specify at least one condition for deleting old files from the output directory. The clean-up will be done if any of the specified conditions occurs. This specification is used to avoid "disk full" on the destination if the remote site is not processing the files.